Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meet a Neighbor-To-Be, Part 1

We logically dedicate part one of the "meet a neighbor-to-be" series to the folks with "one" in their name: One Scottsdale. The image shown is "looking Northeast from Scottsdale road." This is an artist's rendering.

For orientation, we assume that the small peak at the top left of the drawing is Pinnacle Peak.

Good Apples, All

Calling all good apples. Living in this community and creating it together is what we are doing, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Inaction counts. As does harsh criticism that's focused on finding blame. In those instances, apples simply rot and fall from the tree.

Creating counts more. So does listening, collaborating, sharing and conducting a generative dialog. Together we can plant, nurture, harvest, and even prune (with a nod to our friends at DLC) the right amount at the right times.

This is pithy and metaphoric, but at the same time true. Doing nothing or allowing worms to fester will result in a bad crop. Doing the right things will bear excellent fruit. So let's go for the fruit.